Contact Us
and faqs
We welcome your enquiries. They may be about donations, how to make a request for funding, our shop, new members, volunteers or trustees. Or perhaps you just need a question answered
Have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions below or please get in touch.
For General Enquires email: info@friendswh.org.uk
For Membership and administrative enquiries: email: secretary@friendswh.org.uk
Or by post to:
The Secretary
Friends of Worthing Hospitals,
c/o The Friends Cafe
North Wing
Worthing Hospital
Lyndhurst Road
BN11 2DH
Or use the links below to send your query direct to a specific person or department.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you a Charity?
Yes we are a Charity. We are registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales as The League of Worthing Hospitals and Community Friends, Charity number: 208291
What do you do?
We provide funds to support the patients and staff at Worthing Hospitals and its associated subsidiary sites. These funds are often used to buy additional medical equipment or training aids not normally funded by the NHS and to ease the stay of patients and visitors.
What is a Supporter (ex member)?
A Supporter of the Friends of Worthing Hospitals is someone who takes an interest in our work and regularly subscribes or donates to our funds and hence supports our work. They are often ex members who can attend the AGM and vote on issues.
How do you raise your funds?
The main sources of our funding are our Cafe and Shop in the North Wing, donations from community groups, local schools and individuals, legacy bequests and members subscriptions.
Who decides what to spend the money on?
The Charity Commission has strict rules on how funds are used. The Trustees are responsible for the allocation of funds and ensuring it is spent wisely. Local hospital wards and departments use a process to bid for items when they are unavailable through normal NHS channels.
How do I get in contact with the Friends?
The simplest method is to go to the contact page and email the department or person you wish to contact. If your query is of a more general nature, use the “Ask a Question” button at the top of this page or email info@friendswh.org.uk. Or by post to: The Secretary, Friends of Worthing Hospitals, c/o The Friends Cafe, North Wing, Worthing Hospital, Lyndhurst Road, WORTHING, BN11 2DH
What does your cafe and shop sell?
The cafe and shop is situated in the North Wing and is available to patients, visitors and staff. In normal times our volunteer staff also operate a ward trolley service of refreshments. For timings and other details please look under the FriendsCafe tab above.
What do your volunteers do and how can I help?
Our volunteers primarily help with the Ward trolley service which we try and operate on each weekday morning. Vounteers receive initial training and clearance through the NHS Worthing Voluntary Services Team before joining the Friends Cafe Team who operate the service. If you are interested in the role and would like to help please email volunteer@friendswh.org.uk and we will get back to you.
Our Activities
Training Aids
A manikin training aid to assist A&E staff with injections.
Patient Facilities
New Breakfast Ward Trolleys.
Christmas Presents
Every year the Friends ensure there are presents for every patient at the hospital.
Friends Cafe and Shop
Welcoming to patients, staff and visitors .
Gym Equipment
Providing modern exercise space at Meadowfield
For General Enquires email: info@friendswh.org.uk
The photo shows the President, Trustees and Charity Officials outside the Friends shop in December 2024.
For Membership and administrative enquiries: email: info@friendswh.org.uk or call the Treasurer.
To discuss financial issues email: treasurer@friendswh.org.uk
And for the Friends Cafe and shop email: shop@friendswh.org.uk
Contact a Specific Department
Mr Malcolm Roberts is the Chair of Trustees
Vice - Chair
The vice-chair of Trustees post is currently vacant. email: vice-chair@friendswh.org.uk
Angie Bell
Mrs Sally Jackson
Friends Cafe and Shop Manager
To Email Us use the form below:
General Info
01903 266604
c/o The Friends Cafe North Wing Worthing Hospital Lyndhurst Road WORTHING BN11 2DH
Please Get Involved – we would love your support